Hours 8:30 AM - 5 PM

Monday - Friday 
(419) 882-1500

7060 Sylvania Ave.

Sylvania, Ohio 43560

Dick’s Sporting Goods Partnership

We are thankful for our partnership with DICK’S Sporting Goods! This partnership, helps us to provide necessary equipment each season for athletic programs, reward volunteer coaches, offer scholarship opportunities to those in need and provide great discounts and promotions offered by DICK’S Sporting Goods throughout the year to the families in our athletic programs! Thank you DICK’S Sporting Goods for all of the support you provide our agency!

Featured Coach

Our Feature Coach is presented by: DICK’s Sporting Goods is intended to recognize coaches who go above and beyond and consciously impart a positive attitude while teaching program participants life lessons through youth sports. Coaches can be nominated by parents, players, other coaches, officials, and Sylvania Recreation staff members.

Click here to nominate a coach!

  • Nominations Due by: 15th of each month.
  • Our Featured Coach will receive a $50 Gift Card to DICK’S Sporting Goods! 

2025 Featured Coach Recipients

  • Ali Abouahmed
  • Amanda Latscha
  • Doug Szparka
Dick's Sporting Goods Shop Events

Save the date! Our partner, DICK’S Sporting Goods, is offering you a 20% off discount throughout the store to help you gear up for the season! Be sure to use the coupon linked below, as this is specific to our organization. The coupon is valid in-store on the dates above and should be shown at the register during checkout.

Athletic Scholarship Programs

DICK’S Sporting Goods contributes an in-kind donation to our agency to help offset the annual cost associated with our Athletic Scholarships. For more information about this program, contact Sylvania Recreation at (419) 882-1500.

Click here to download a scholarship application form.

Athletic Equipment Initiative

We are committed to providing our community the opportunity to participate in youth athletics regardless of financial status. In addition to registration fees, other financial obligations are required to participate in youth athletics such as equipment expenses. Through the DICK’s Sporting Goods Sports Matter Grant, Sylvania Recreation has secured funding to reimburse qualifying families for (some or all) equipment costs to participate in youth athletics. It is our goal to help inspire and enable participation in sports. Why? Because participation in sports makes people better.

Click here to download the athletic equipment application.

Who qualifies? Those applicants who also qualify for the Sylvania Recreation Athletic Scholarship Program.

How many times can I apply? Applicants can only receive financial assistance for athletic equipment once per calendar year. Applicants can continue to apply yearly, until all Sports Matter Grant funds are depleted.

How do I apply?
❖ Provide proof of current Sylvania Schools Food Services Free/Reduced Lunch Program Voucher
❖ Complete and return the application below (one application per child, per year)
❖ Once submitted, you will receive email notification of your approval.

What programs are included?
❖ Various athletic programs (baseball, softball, football, basketball, lacrosse, soccer, cheerleading, volleyball, etc.)
❖ Financial reimbursement varies based on the program needs.

How do I receive the athletic equipment?
❖ Once approved, parent/guardian is asked to purchase any of the qualified athletic equipment items listed in our application document.
❖ A receipt for the purchase of athletic equipment items must be submitted to the Sylvania Recreation office within 30 days of approval.
❖ Reimbursement will be provided up to the dollar amount in our application document for qualifying programs.

For more information contact the Sylvania Recreation office at 419.882.1500


Sylvania Recreation ... There's Something for Everyone

Hours 8:30 AM - 5 PM

Monday - Friday  
(419) 882-1500

2025© Sylvania Recreation Corporation — All Rights Reserved

7060 Sylvania Ave.

Sylvania, Ohio 43560

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